Krishi Vigyan Kendra(KVK), Selsura, Dist. Wardha was established on 27 December1979, under the administrative control of Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola.
The office of KVK is located at village Selsura, Geographical location(20.67515, 78.53082) on Wardha-Yavatmal state highway and is 11 km away from Wardha.
Wardha falls under assured rainfall zone comes under Agro climatic zone-XI and has basically agriculture oriented economy. The maximum length of the district is 125 km and its breadth at the southern extremities is about 58 km. The rainfall distribution in Wardha district shows that southern parts of the district received more rainfall than northern parts.
Agricultural and allied census
Geographical area : 6, 28,904 ha.(2.06% of M.S.)
Cultivable area : 4, 46,288 ha.
Area under irrigation (2017-18) : 1,45,469.11 ha. (12.70%)
District average rainfall (June-Oct) : 923.44 mm
Actual rainfall (June-Oct 2017) : 732.9mm (79.40 %)
Total Number of farmers : 1,96,210
Small : 1,18,852
Medium : 75,583
Large : 1775
Total Taluka’s : 08
No. of Grampanchayat : 517
No. of Villages : 1382
2.1. Major farming systems/enterprises (based on the analysis made by the KVK)
2.1.1 Major farming system
2.1.3. Micro Farming systems |
Agriculture crops
Agri + Horti + Dairy
Rainfed Cotton
Agri + Dairy
Rainfed Soybean
Agri + Goat farming
Rainfed Jawar
Agri + Sericulture
Irrigated Wheat
Agri + Horticulture
Irrigated Gram
Agri. + Horti. + Poultry
Irrigated Summer Groundnut
2.1.4. Major production systems
2.1.2. Major Inter cropping systems
Cotton – Gram
Cotton + Tur (8:1) (12:2)
Cotton – Wheat
Soybean + Tur (10:1)(5:1) | Soybean – Wheat
Soybean – Gram
Soybean – Rabi Jawar
Soybean – Summer Groundnut
Hy. Jawar – Wheat
Hy Jawar – Gram
Soybean – Linseed
Description of Agro-climatic Zone & major agro ecological situations (based on soil and topography)
- Soil type
Sl. No. | Agro-climatic Zone | Characteristics |
1 | AES-I (Karanja, Aashti Seloo,Arvi) | 980mm rainfall, 3 to 5% slope, medium to light soil, soil drained sandy clay loam/gravelly clay loam soils under Jowar, Cotton, Fruits and vegetables etc. |
2 | AES-II (Arvi, (part), Aashti (part) | 980mm rainfall, 3 to 5% slope, medium to light soils, shallow to moderately deep soil under Jowar, Cotton, Wheat, Fruits and Vegetables etc. |
3 | AES-III (Wardha, Deoli, Hinganghat (part) | 1000 to 1200mm rainfall, medium to heavy soils under Cotton, Wheat, Jowar, Soybean, Fruits and Vegetables etc. |
4 | AES-IV Seloo Hinganghat Samudrapur part | 100 to 1200mm rainfall, heavy soils under cotton, soybean, wheat, fruits, vegetables etc. |
5 | AES-V (Samudrapur) | 1200mm rainfall 1 to 3% slope, medium to heavy soils under Cotton, Soybean, Wheat, Fruits, Vegetables etc. |
S. No. | Agro ecological situation | Characteristics |
1 | AES-I | Rainfall-980mm
Slope-3to5% Soil- medium |
2 | AES-II | Rainfall-980mm
Slope-3to5% Soil- medium
3 | AES-III | Rainfall-1000to
1200 mm non command Soil- medium Heavy |
4 | AES-IV | Rainfall-1100to 1200mm
Soil- medium to Heavy |
5 | AES-V |
Rainfall-1200mmSlope-1to3% Soil- medium |
2.3. Soil Types
S. No | Soil type | Characteristics | Area in ha |
1 | AES-I
Soil- medium |
215475 |
2 | AES-II
Soil- medium |
17218 |
Soil- medium Heavy |
Rainfall-1000 to
1200 mm non command
220115 |
4 | AES-IV
Soil- medium to Heavy |
Rainfall-1100to 1200mm
126787 |
Soil- medium |
Rainfall-1200mmSlope-1to 3 %
49305 |
2.4. Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district (2017-18)
S. No | Crop | Area (ha) | Production (MT.) | Productivity (Qt./ha) |
1 | Cotton | 240500 | 718900 | 5.08 |
2 | Soybean | 127200 | 150400 | 11.82 |
3 | Pigeon pea | 84984 | 128712 | 15.15 |
4 | Gram | 29600 | 33800 | 11.40 |
5 | Wheat | 14500 | 22000 | 15.12 |